
Jin Li

Director of UNESCO-ICHEI

Dr.Mr. Jin Li currently holds the position as Director of UNESCO-ICHEI. Additionally, he serves as Chair Professor and Vice President for Global Strategies at Southern University of Science and Technology. His previous roles include Chair Professor of Finance and Associate Division Head of Peking University Guanghua School of Management, Director of Peking University National Center for Financial Research, as well as positions as Associate Professor of Finance of Harvard Business School and Professor of Finance of Oxford University Saïd Business School. Jin Li is also an internationally recognized expert of corporate governance, and serves as a Board Member of the Global Corporate Governance Colloquia.

Li Ming

Secretary-General, IIOE Secretariat

Li Ming has acquired a doctoral degree in Management from the School of Management at Xi’an Jiaotong University. After his graduation, from 1982 to 1992, LI Ming served as lecturer and later associate professor in the Program of Political Economics, Department of Social Sciences in Xi’an Jiaotong University. In May 1992, he moved to Shenzhen. For two decades after that, he worked in many important government positions, including Division Chief of the Policy Research Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC, Director of Luohu District Economic Development Board of Shenzhen, Deputy District Head of the Shenzhen Luohu District People`s Government, Director of Longgang District People’s Congress Standing Committee, Deputy Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal Government, Director of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Deputy Secretary of Shenzhen Politics and Law Committee, and member of the Shenzhen CPC Standing Committee. In January 2014, LI Ming was appointed the Chairperson of University Council of SUSTech and had been dedicated to leading SUSTech to become a globally recognized excellent research-based university until his term of office expired in May 2016. In the same month, he was appointed as Chair Professor and Director of the Center for Higher Education Research of SUSTech. From June 2016 to October 2023, he served as Director of the International Centre for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO. Currently, he is the Secretary-General of IIOE Secretariat.

Zhan Tao

Director of UNESCO IITE

Dr Zhan Tao is the Director of UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) located in Moscow. He received his Ph.D from Shandong University in China in 1987, majoring in number theory and later became a Research Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at University of Freiburg in Germany, and Professor of Mathematics at Shandong University. Before joining UNESCO IITE in 2017 he had served as the President of Shandong University and Jilin University, Director-General of Educational Management Information Center of Ministry of Education in China. The mission of IITE as the UNESCO Category 1 Institute for ICT in Education is to promote the innovative and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence and digital technologies in education, supporting Member States and the global education community as a facilitator and enabler for achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4). IITE is committed to human-centered, inclusive and equitable digital transformation of education.

Liang Jiansheng

Executive Deputy Director of UNESCO-ICHEI

Liang Jiansheng is a Professor of the Department of Biology at Southern University of Science and Technology; in terms of scientific research, he is mainly engaged in the research of plant stress resistance physiology and molecular biology, and plant cell signal transduction. He has presided over dozens of national and provincial scientific research projects, published nearly 200 academic papers, and won three scientific and technological progress awards at the ministerial and provincial levels. He serves as a member of the expert review group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and an expert in the evaluation of national key laboratories. He is now a member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Biological Sciences of the Ministry of Education, a supervisor of Guangdong Province, and the editor-in-chief of JPBSH publications.

Firmin Edouard Matoko

Former Assistant Director-General for Priority Africa and External Relations – ADG/PAX

Mr. Firmin Edouard Matoko is the former Assistant Director-general of the Africa Department and External Relations of UNESCO. Prior, he was Director of the UNESCO Liaison Office with the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), as well as UNESCO Representative to Ethiopia. He served as Director in Quito and Bamako UNESCO Cluster Offices and as Chief of the Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy Section, in the Division for the Promotion of Quality education of the Education Sector as well as Senior Programme Specialist of the Culture of peace National Programmes Unit in UNESCO’s Paris headquarters.

Han Wei

Deputy Secretary-General, IIOE Secretariat

Han Wei, Research Professor of Center for Higher Education Research of SUSTech, Co-Director of Greater Bay Area Data Center for Higher Education, Executive Deputy Director of International Center for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO(Shenzhen), and Doctor of Education. Professor Han serves as Executive Member of the Council of China Association of Higher Education Evaluation and Executive Member of the Council of the Guangdong Society of Higher Education, etc. Since 1992, she has taken office and professed in Education Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and Shenzhen University. Since June 2007, she has participated in the preparatory work of Southern University of Science and Technology and successively served as Deputy Director of the Preparatory Office, Minister of Human Resources Department, Associate Vice President, Member of the President’s Office Committee, and Director of the Residential College at Southern University of Science and Technology. Currently, Professor Han serves as Executive Deputy Secretary-General of IIOE Secretariat.

Lim Cher Ping

Chief Expert of the UNESCO-ICHEI International Institute of Online Education (IIOE) and Chair Professor of Learning Technologies and Innovation at the Education University of Hong Kong, China (EdUHK)

Prof. Lim Cher Ping is currently Chair Professor of Learning Technologies and Innovation at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and Editor-in-Chief of the Internet and Higher Education. Based on the latest JCR/SSCI data, Internet and Higher Education is currently ranked second out of 236 journals in education and education research. He is also a leader in digital learning for the development of the web. Prior to 2014, he was Director of the Centre for Professional Learning in Teaching and Technology at Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), where he led and supported the policy development of teaching and learning practices within the school. Prior to joining Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) in 2010, he was Professor of Education, Associate Professor of Teaching and Director of the Asia Pacific Centre of Excellence for Teachers at Edith Cowan University in Australia. Over the past 20 years, Professor Lim has been involved in the development of key education policies at the national and international levels, working to promote fairer, higher quality and more efficient education.

Dragan Gasevic

Professor of Learning Analytics in the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia

Professor Dragan Gasevic is a Distinguished Professor of Learning Analytics in the School of Information Technology at Monash University and Director of the Centre for Learning Analytics (CoLAM) at Monash University. He has held several honorary professorships and industry fellowships in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. The EU-funded SHEILA project, which he leads, won the Best Research Project of the Year award (2019) from the Association for Learning Technology. In 2022, he received the highest honorary Lifetime Membership award from the Association for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) and was named a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world`s largest computer association.

Zheng Nanning

IEEE Fellow, Academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Professor Zheng Nanning was the director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Xi `an Jiaotong University, and the President of Xi `an Jiaotong University. Professor Zheng has long been engaged in the research of applied basic theory and engineering technology in the fields of pattern recognition, machine vision, and image processing. He has presided over and completed a number of important scientific research projects of the National Science and Technology Research and the National Natural Science Foundation. He has won two second prizes of National Science and Technology Progress, one second prize and one fourth prize for National Technology invention, and many awards such as Hong Kong Ho Liang Ho Li Science and Technology Progress Award. In November 2005, he was elected IEEE Fellow of the International Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers.

Zhu Zhiting

Emeritus Professor at East China Normal University, Doctoral Advisor in Educational Technology, Distinguished Consultant of UNESCO-ICHEI

Professor Zhu Zhiting is an outstanding researcher and practitioner in the field of education informatization in China. In the past few decades, he has made outstanding contributions at different stages to promote the development of education informatization. In recent years, he has focused on the research of wisdom education theory and practice model, and has made great contributions to the development of China`s wisdom education framework and the promotion of domestic experimental projects. He has led the formulation of a number of national and industry standards and made outstanding contributions to promoting the establishment of China`s education informatization standard system. He was also one of the founders of the quality assurance system for large-scale teacher training. Professor Zhu Zhiting is a leading figure in education informatization in China, and has made outstanding contributions to the research and practice in this field, setting an example for the development of education informatization.

Mona Abdel-Aal Elzahry

Executive Director of Education Strategy Administration, Ain Shams University, Egypt

Professor Mona Abdel-Aal Elzahry, currently serves as the Executive Director of Education Strategy Administration at Ain Shams University. Professor Elzahry`s belief in initiating higher education digital transformation with pedagogical shifts is commendable. It underscores the importance of focusing on innovative teaching methods and strategies to enhance the learning experience for students. By prioritizing pedagogy, she recognizes that a solid educational foundation is essential before addressing technological and cultural aspects. Furthermore, Professor Elzahry`s dedication to helping teachers at Ain Shams University adapt to digital transformation. Teachers play a pivotal role in the success of any educational institution, and empowering them to navigate these significant changes is a testament to her commitment to academic excellence.

Chris Maiyaki

Acting Executive Secretary National Universities Commission, Nigeria

Chris Maiyaki, currently serving as the Acting Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, embarked on his distinguished public service career over three decades ago. He was appointed as the Administrative Secretary for the World Bank Project Implementation Unit within the NUC, overseeing the successful execution of a USD120 million credit facility supporting twenty federal universities. His remarkable leadership during this project contributed to its recognition as one of the best-administered endeavors in the World Bank`s education portfolio in Nigeria. Following this accomplishment, Mr. Maiyaki continued to excel within the Commission, fulfilling various critical leadership roles.

Bi Xin

XJTLU Chief Officer of Data, Director of Centre for Knowledge and Information

Dr. Bi Xin is Chief Officer of Data, Director of Centre for Knowledge and Information at Xi`an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. He is also a member of the international Advisory Board of Cambridge University Press, ProQuest, EBSCO, the editorial board of the academic journal Science Editor, the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Library Society, and the director of the International Human Resource Development Research Association of the Chinese Association of Higher Education. Dr. Bi holds a PhD in Education (Psychology) from Soochow University and a Master`s degree in Information Systems from the University of Liverpool, UK. He also holds a certificate from the University of Liverpool`s Higher Education Teaching Professional Competence Development Program (PGCert). Dr. Bi Xin has visited more than 20 countries for academic exchange activities. His research focuses on knowledge management, open access publishing, learning strategies, and learning and teaching in the Internet age.

Arshad Saleem Bhatti

Rector, Virtual University of Pakistan, Pakistan

Prof. Arshad Saleem Bhatti is the Rector of Virtual University of Pakistan. Prof. Bhatti has won numerous research awards namely, Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU, UK), TRIL, Italy, Royal Society, UK, Fulbright, USA and Erasmus Awards. Prof. Bhatti has more than 35 years of teaching and research experience. He has more than 150 impact factor research publications and four US patents to his credit. His main research focus is on the synthesis and electro-optical properties of wide band gap semiconductor nanostructures. Prof. Bhatti’s research group has also collaborated in the development of the inner tracking system (ITS) of ALICE detector in CERN. He has also participated in the MIT’s BLOSSOMS program and developed two modules for high school teachers. Prof. Bhatti has been a Regular and Senior Associate of the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. For his services, Government of Pakistan has honored him with two Civil Awards Tamgha-e-Imtiaz in 2011 and Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 2019, respectively. He was elected as the Fellow of Pakistan Academy of Sciences in 2020.

Cecilia Chan

Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre, The University of Hong Kong, China

Prof. Cecilia Chan is a Professor in the Faculty of Education and Director for the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). With a dual-discipline background, she possesses expertise in both engineering and education, particularly higher education. Her combined expertise in these fields has enabled her to lead and conduct research topics such as assessment and feedback, experiential learning, and technology-enhanced learning, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence in education and the development and assessment of 21st-century skills (holistic competencies). Prof. Chan serves as the President of the Asian Society for Engineering Education and is an associate editor for both the Journal of Engineering Education and Studies in Educational Evaluation.

Teresa Hattingh

Engineering Education Specialist, Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Teresa Hattingh is an Associate Professor and Engineering Education Specialist at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. In this role, she provides support to enhance student access and success and builds scholarly approaches to teaching and learning in the Faculty. Teresa completed her Bachelors and Master’s degrees in engineering and her PhD in Engineering Education. She is registered as a professional engineer and has extensive teaching experience in higher education and industry experience in project engineering, operations and supply chain management in the metallurgical and gas industries. She is actively involved in engineering education research and is the current chair of the Global Research in Engineering Education (REEN) board and is the current President of the Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering.

Peter Wells

Chief of Education, UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA)

Peter`s unwavering dedication and leadership within UNESCO since 2016 have marked him as a driving force in advancing global higher education. His influence on quality enhancement, widened access, and academic mobility has been pivotal, notably demonstrated through the adoption of the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in 2019. His pivotal role in co-leading the UNESCO Qualifications Passport for Refugees and Vulnerable Migrants initiative underscores a commitment to inclusivity and opportunities for displaced individuals. With a rich background as a Higher Education Specialist and Director of UNESCO`s European Centre for Higher Education, Peter`s contributions in strategy, reforms, and fostering international collaboration have been exemplary. Now as Chief of Education at UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA), overseeing critical initiatives in environmental and sustainable development education, teacher education, TVET, and higher education, Peter continues to shape the global educational landscape. The impact of his leadership, demonstrated through landmark conferences and ongoing initiatives, cements Peter`s legacy as a transformative figure in advancing higher education on a global scale.

Paulina Pannen

Senior Expert, Indonesia Cyber Education Institute (ICE-I), Indonesia

Paulina Pannen graduated from Syracuse University more than 30 years ago and has written and spoken at various academic forums, And served as SEAMEO Director of SEAMOLEC, Vice President of USBI, Director of Faculty of Education, University of Terbuka, Chair of DGHE Higher Education Quality Development and Improvement Project Working Group, Senior Advisor to MOOCs and e-Learning Development in Indonesia, Distance Education, MORTHE Academic until 2019, Interim Director of MORT/NARI Innovation Systems and CoV Secretary of the Pneumonia Research and Innovation Alliance until 2020. She is currently the Senior Expert of Indonesia Cyber Education Institute (ICE-I), at Universitas Terbuka.

Paul Prinsloo

Research Professor in Open Distance Learning, University of South Africa

Paul Prinsloo is a Research Professor in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in the College of Economic and Management Sciences, University of South Africa (Unisa). His academic background includes fields as diverse as theology, art history, business management, online learning, and religious studies. Paul is an established researcher and has published numerous articles in the fields of teaching and learning, student success in distance education contexts, learning analytics, and curriculum development. His current research focuses on the collection, analysis and use of student data in learning analytics, graduate supervision and digital identity.

Grace Oakley

Associate Professor and Deputy Dean of the Graduate School of Education, University of Western Australia, Australia

Grace Oakley is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Western Australia. She has served as Coordinator of the Elementary and Early Childhood Pre-Service Teacher Program (MTeach), Associate Dean (Education), and Associate Dean of Instruction. She is passionate about creating innovative learning experiences, focusing on the fields of literature and technology.

Marat Rakhmatullaev

Professor of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Team-leader of HEREs (Uzbekistan Higher Education Reform Experts), Uzbekistan

Marat Rakhmatullaev, Professor at Department of Information and Library Systems Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Fulbright Scholar. He is the holder of “the Order of Friendship” of the President of Uzbekistan for the contribution to the science and education of the Republic, the author and coordinator of about 25 projects, including on Corporate information networks and systems for science and education and the author of the project, organizer and chairman of the "International Conference “Library-information resources in science, education, culture & business”(1999-2022).

Zhao Junjun

President of ZhiXueYun (Beijing) Technology Co.,Ltd

Mr. Junjun Zhao is the President of ZhiXueYun (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd, the advisor of Dalian Senior Manager College of China, and the vice president of New Skill Training Committee of China Employees` Technical Association. Mr. Zhao graduated from the National Engineering Laboratory of Speech and Language Information Processing of the University of Science and Technology of China. He is a senior digital learning expert in the industry, with rich theoretical research and practical experience in the fields of digital learning, artificial intelligence education transformation, employee development and talent management.

Kean Tak

Vice Rector, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Mr. Kean Tak obtained his Bachelor`s degree in Mathematics in 1998, a Master`s degree in Computer Science from the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2005, and completed a one-year teaching development program at the National Institute of Education (NIE) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in 1999. Currently, Mr. Kean Tak serves as the Vice Rector of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), overseeing youth and student affairs, technology, and industrial relations. With four years of experience as the Vice Dean of the College of Engineering at RUPP, he was responsible for human resources, finance, academics, and international relations. Since 2013, he has held the position of Head of the IT Engineering Department, accumulating three years of experience in leading improvements and development of courses, implementing control and monitoring measures, and providing leadership and management for the department.

Nurbek Teleshaliyev

Chief of Education, UNESCO Almaty Office

Nurbek Teleshaliyev is an education specialist at the UNESCO Almaty Office, where he works on supporting teacher professionalism, independence and collaboration in Central Asia. He has a PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge, where he explored the experiences of teachers in Kyrgyzstan. He has also worked as a project manager for UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, where he coordinated the development and deployment of Bebbo, a parenting app for early childhood development. He has extensive experience in managing and advising on education projects, policies and research in various countries and regions, such as Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Southern Africa and Pakistan. He is passionate about improving educational outcomes and opportunities for children and youth, especially those from marginalized and vulnerable groups.

Waqar Mahmood

Director of Al-Khawarazmi Institute of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Dr. Waqar Mahmood is an accomplished scholar in Electrical Engineering, graduated from the University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore in 1989 and completed his Master`s degree and Ph.D. Degree at Georgia Tech, USA in 1992 and 1996. Currently, as the Director of Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science at the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, he has transformed it into the largest ICT research center in Pakistan. He is also the founding member and director of the Center for Energy Research and Development (CERAD), a leading center for renewable technologies in the country. Serving in administrative roles, including the Prime Minister`s Task Force on Science and Technology, Dr. Waqar Mahmood`s impactful contributions include securing research funding for IT and renewable energy projects, publishing over 90 papers, and holding 12 US patents. Pioneering professional training programs in ICT and energy, he addresses the crucial need for skilled workforces in these sectors. As a thought leader, he advises energy and IT ministries and is a sought-after speaker on various technologies, solidifying his role in advancing research, education, and policy in Pakistan.

Chen Wenzhi

Director of Information Technology Centre, Zhejiang University, China

Chen Wenzhi is a graduated PhD Student Advisor in Computer Science and Technology from Zhejiang University, Director of Information Technology Center of Zhejiang University, and a Distinguished scholar of Zhejiang University. His research interests include computer architecture, systems software, embedded systems, and network security. He has made significant contributions to the field and has published several papers on a variety of topics. As Director of the Information Technology Centre, he is responsible for overseeing the school`s information and communication technology strategy and plans. His leadership and expertise have been instrumental in improving the University`s ICT capabilities.

Zoltán Vörös

Director, Centre for supporting digital education and teaching, University of Pecs, Hungary

Zoltán Vörös is the Director of the Centre for Supporting Digital Education and Teaching at the University of Pecs in Hungary. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing the university’s digital education strategies and initiatives. The University of Pecs is one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary and has a strong focus on digital transformation in education. As the director, Zoltán Vörös plays a crucial role in advancing the university’s digital capabilities and supporting the digital transformation of higher education in Hungary.

Tatiana Murovana

Programme Specialist, Unit of Digital Pedagogy and Learning Materials, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE)

Tatiana Murovana is programme specialist at the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education responsible for the projects aimed to promote media and information literacy and digital competence for quality and inclusive education. Working with UNESCO since 2000, Tatiana has managed a number of projects on information access, digital information preservation, information ethics, media education and information literacy, and linguistic diversity and multilingualism in cyberspace. She is a member of the Information Literacy Working Group established within the UNESCO Information for All Programme.

Michel Bakar Diop

Director of the Institute of Open and Distance Learning (IFOAD), Gaston Berger University, Senegal

Michel Bakar Diop, Senior Lecturer and researcher in the field of "Agronomic Sciences", specialising in "Food Sciences and Technologies", within the Agronomic Sciences, Aquaculture and Food Technologies Training Unit (UFR S2ATA), at the Gaston Berger University (UGB), Saint-Louis, Senegal. Michel Bakar Diop is the promoter and coordinator of the Initiative Pôle de Recherche en Biotechnologie Alimentaire et d`Accompagnement pour la Compétitivité (I_PREBAAC), based on the UGB`s agricultural farm. The I_PREBAAC, actively participating in the activities of LaBAAM established within UFR S2ATA, is built upon the pillars of the 2024 Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024). Michel Bakar Diop is also the Promoter and coordinator of the new project of the Centre National for Online Teaching in the Higher Education of Senegal, in the framework of the cooperation between Gaston Berger University and UNESCO-ICHEI.

Kabiru Bala

Vice Chancellor, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria

Professor Kabiru Bala graduated with B.Sc. (Hons) Building in 1985 from the Department of Building, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He joined the services of ABU, at the Department of Building in 1987. He obtained the Master of Science in Building Services in 1990, Masters in Business Administration in 1998 and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Construction Management in 2001, all from Ahmadu Bello University. Prof. Kabiru Bala was appointed as the 12th Substantive Vice-Chancellor of Ahmadu Bello University in March 2020. In February, 2013, Prof. Bala was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria (CORBON), and in October 2013, He was appointed as a Member of the Board of the National Universities Commission(NUC), both by the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Prof. Kabiru Bala has been an External Assessor for Professorial appointments of many academics, for many universities in Nigeria.

Wang Duanrui

Chairman of WEDON GROUP

Chairman of WEDON Group, Honorary Vice Chairman of China Charity Federation, Director of China Overseas Friendship Association, President of Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President of Qingdao Federation of Social Organizations, Executive Chairman of International Internet Education Alliance. He was elected as the first Chinese charity figure. He was awarded the Medal of Peace in Honor of the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of UNESCO.

Idris Ahmada Rai

Deputy Executive Secretary, Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA)

Prof. Idris A. Rai is the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA). Prior to joining IUCEA in January 2023, he had served in a number of national, regional and global academic and research institutions at various capacities, namely as a Vice Chancellor of State University of Zanzibar (2011-2019), Deputy Dean at Makerere University (2009-2011), a member of governing boards and various committees of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), UbuntuNet Alliance (AU), African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD), Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), and Inter-University Council of East Africa. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science and Networking from Telecom Paris Tech in France, and has Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bilkent University and Bogazici Universities respectively – both in Turkey.

Ram Piyaket

Director, Office of International Affairs and Global Network, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Dr. Ram Piyaket embarked on his professional journey as a telecom engineer, later securing a scholarship for his Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Electrical Engineering at the University of Minnesota and the University of California at San Diego. Over the last two decades, he has been deeply involved in higher education, contributing to academic program development, human capital development, and enterprise information management in both Thailand and the United States. Beginning his career at the College of Management, Mahidol University (CMMU), Dr. Ram initiated and led the implementation of Thailand`s first international Master’s degree curriculum in Electronic Commerce Management. His responsibilities extended to crafting a five-year IT master plan as CMMU experienced significant growth. Presently, as the Director of the Office of International Affairs and Global Network at Chulalongkorn University, he oversees key strategies, including Future Leaders, Impactful Research and Innovation, and Sustainability, managing international relations, academic exchange programs, student and staff mobilities, and global network partnerships.

Ismi Arif Ismail

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Professor Ismi Arif Ismail is the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He specializes in the areas of extension and continuing education, teaching, youth development, leadership and human resource development. Professor Ismi has been with Universiti Bottra Malaysia for over 22 years. He started as a lecturer in the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education in 2000 and was appointed Senior Lecturer in 2008, Associate Professor in 2012 and Professor in 2020. Professor Ismi is the executive editor of the Asia Pacific Journal of Youth Studies (formerly the Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies) and a member of the Editorial Board and the Asian Science Editorial Board of the SAGE Open Access Journal. Professor Ismi is also a think tank member of the Malaysian Institute of Youth Studies (IYRES), Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia. He was a member of the expert panel that developed the Malaysian Youth Policy 2015-2035 and the Malaysian Youth Index.

Tserenchimed Purevsuren

Senior Specialist at Open Education Center, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia

Purevsuren Tserenchimed is an Associate Professor at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) who is a national master teacher on blended learning. He is also a specialist in the Open Education Center at MUST, which is an institution promoting online and blended learning in Mongolia. He has been appointed as deputy secretary general at IIOE National Center in Mongolia. Dr. Tserenchimed Purevsuren has published 44 academic papers in the field, including: "Mongolia: Development of the Open Education Center Towards Accelerated Digital Transformation in Mongolian Higher Education Sector" , "Impact of Academic Library on Student Learning Achievement in Engineering Field" etc.

Mukhtar Ahmed

Chairman of Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed serves as the chairperson of the Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC). The HEC chairperson has the status of a federal minister. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed is responsible for contacting all domestic and international stakeholders to implement reforms initiated by the Pakistani government in higher education. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed has over 30 years of experience in domestic and international education development and management, including teaching, research, academic management, policy making, linking educational research with industry/monetization, introducing entrepreneurial education methods, and various educational development programs. His outstanding career has enriched the diverse academic, research, and management experience of public and private higher education sectors in Pakistan.

Johnson Nyarko Boampong

Vice Chancellor, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

Professor Johnson Nyarko Boampong is the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast. He is a distinguished Pharmacist and Biomedical Scientist, recognized as a Fellow of the Ghana College of Pharmacists and the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, India. His vast contributions extend to numerous international and local professional associations, demonstrating his commitment to advancing pharmacy practice. Boasting over sixty scholarly publications, he excels in multidisciplinary research, particularly in Parasitic Diseases, Drug Resistant Parasites, and Drug Discovery. As a dedicated academic leader, he is propelling the University of Cape Coast toward global recognition as a World-Class Entrepreneurial University, emphasizing the pivotal role of universities in fostering economic growth through an entrepreneurial mindset.

Yusuf Kiranda

The University Secretary, Makerere University, Uganda

Mr. Yusuf Kiranda is currently the Secretary-General of Makerere University in Uganda, responsible for policy formulation, policy direction, implementation, and decision-making. He is also responsible for finance, university facilities, planning and institutional development, university service units, council affairs, council secretarial services, and Human Resource Planning. Mr. Yusuf Kiranda holds a Master`s degree in Development Management from the London School of Economics (LSE) and a Bachelor`s degree in Education from Makerere University. He has published many articles on trending issues such as entrepreneurship, education, multi-party democracy, governance, political communication, and political economy.

Abdulrahman Almedaires

Director General, UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education (RCQE), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abdulrahman Almedaires is currently the Director-General of the UNESCO Regional Centre for Quality and Excellence in Education (RCQE).

Zhang Jing

Director of Huawei EBG Talent Partner Development Department

Mr. Zhang Jing is currently the Director of Huawei EBG Talent Partner Development Department and Overseas Education Talent Ecology, responsible for building Huawei`s talent ecosystem and improving digital skills in vocational and technical education.

Moussa LO

Rector, Cheikh Hamidou KANE Digital University, Senegal

Professor Moussa LO is an outstanding computer scientist who has held senior positions in recent courses at Gaston Berger University in Saint Louis : Vice-President of the University Assembly, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology. Between 2014 and 2016, he directed the African Center of Excellence in Mathematics, Computer Science and ICT. From 2015 to 2018, he co-directed the International Laboratory for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. He has directed several PHD thesis in computer science and is the author of several scientific publications, mainly in the fields of web, semantic web and knowledge engineering. Since 2021, he is a full member of the National Academy of Sciences and Techniques of Senegal and President of the Scientific and Academic Council of the Franco-Senegalese Campus.

Noureddine Bali

Vice President in charge of the higher education of graduation, continuing education and degrees, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria

Professor Noureddine Bali is currently Vice President of University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) in Algeria, responsible for higher education of graduation, continuing education and degrees. Professor Noureddine Bali specialises in control theory, robotics, systems modelling, systems dynamics, automation and robotics.

Chitra Bahadur Budhathoki

Dean of Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal

Prof. Chitra Bahadur Budhathoki currently the holds position of Dean of the Faculty of Education of Tribhuvan University. He completed Master of Education (M.Ed.) in health education in 1994 from Tribhuvan University. He achieved his PhD in community health education from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in 2007. He has been working in the field of didactics of the pre-service teacher education program at the Faculty of Education for more than 25 years. He also serves as an executive member of the Research Coordination and Development Council (RCDC) of Tribhuvan University. His research interest and publications cover health education, health literacy, inclusive pedagogy, participatory action research, teaching and learning. He has been involved in international research and education cooperation with universities in Norway, Finland, South Korea, and Japan. He is an editor of Journal of Health Promotion and reviewer for several journals.

Xing Taiquan

Global Director, OS-Easy

Mr. Xing Taiquan has been engaged in cloud computing and higher education digitization for over ten years, with rich experience in product and market strategies. He successfully made OS-EASY the number one brand in the field of computer management. In the future, he will continue to lead his team to create brilliance in the fields of cloud computing and smart classrooms, creating more value for global customers and business partners.

Florence Mtambanengwe

Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Executive Director for Research, Innovation and Industrialisation, University of Zimbabwe

Dr. Florence Mtambanengwe is currently the Vice President and Executive Director of Academic Affairs at the University of Zimbabwe, responsible for research, innovation, and industrialization. Professor Mtambanengwe is an impact-oriented systems researcher specializing in participatory action research; gender-sensitive integrated soil fertility management methods; climate change adaptation; environmental impact assessment; and biodiversity conservation and management. She has published over 100 publications in peer-reviewed regional and international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. She is a member of the United Kingdom Institute for Research and Innovation; a project team member of the UKRI Future Leaders Scholarship and the 14th Ecological Agriculture Report of the High-Level Expert Group (HLPE) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. She is a scientific peer reviewer for high-impact journals in the field of agriculture and climate change research, as well as a scientific peer reviewer for high-level funding agencies (such as the UKRI International Development Peer Review, which hosts the Global Challenges Research Fund).

Jaime Alberto Palma Mendoza

Assistant Professor at Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

Jaime Palma is an Assistant Professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus at the department of industrial and systems engineering. He holds a Doctor of Engineering degree from the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. He teaches operation management courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level, also participates in teaching short executive courses to medium and large companies. His current research interests have led him to publish a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals on topics including innovation in education through mobile technologies, serious games and artificial intelligence, and supply chain practices in small companies.

Jeilu Oumer Hussien

Academic Vice President, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Dr.Jeilu is faculty member of the Department of Educational Planning and Management of Addis Ababa University and has served at various positions in different capacities in the university. Jeilu served as lead researcher and team member of many research projects at national and local level. He has participated in a number of international collaborations and initiated a number of academic programs at Addis Ababa University, presented papers in various international, regional and local level workshops and conferences, earned many certificates of recognition, and has many publications.

Misheel Soyol-Erdene

Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Project, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, Mongolia

Misheel Soyol-Erdene is currently the communication and information programme specialist at the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO. She specializes in initiatives that focus on advancing media and information literacy, enhancing digital competency, and integrating AI locally. Her responsibilities include managing related UNESCO projects, organizing forums and events that bring together experts, scholars, and stakeholders to foster dialogue and collaboration in these critical areas. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in International Relations and has a keen interest in sustainability and development and ethical considerations of AI in education and other professional sectors.

Zhang Yu

Board Chair, Guangzhou Createview Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhang Yu, currently the Board Chair of Createview Education Technology Co., Ltd, is also a visiting professor at South China University, a member of the Council of South China University, the Education Technology Professional Education Guidance Sub-Committee of the Ministry of Education, and the International Expert Committee of the UNESCO-ICHEI. He has won the National Outstanding Entrepreneur Award for 2021-2022.

Celestino Obua

Vice Chancellor, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda

Dr. Celestino Obua is a Ugandan doctor, pharmacologist, academic and academic administrator, and currently the Vice President of Mbarara University of Technology. He holds a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the University of Dar es Salaam and a Master of Pharmacology degree from the public university Makerere University. In January 2009, he obtained a joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in pharmacology from Karolinska University and Makerere University in cooperation. Dr. Obua served as a lecturer and senior lecturer at the School of Biomedical Sciences at Makerere University (part of the School of Health Sciences at Makerere University), and eventually served as an associate professor of pharmacology.

Yao Shanglang

CTO of Jiker

Mr. Ice Yao is the founder of Geek Academy. He is also an entrepreneur, geek, product master, and pioneer of future education. He wrote the first Android technology book in China, and founded the first Android developer community, and also founded the earliest software store in China, the Youyi Market. Geek Academy was founded in 2014, and is a new online university for IT vocational education. Through practical training, it provides high-quality vocational education for practitioners who focus on continuous self-improvement, and has served a total of 5 million students. Geek was founded in 2019 and Geek is committed to building a digital talent supply chain system from universities to industries, always exploring and innovating systematically around talent capacity building, focusing on the construction of digital talent standards and talent cultivation, and has released solutions for industries such as the Internet, finance, operators, automotive, and energy.

Rita Bissoonauth

Director of UNESCO Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dr. Rita Bissoonauth is currently the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dr. Rita Bissoonauth was named one of the 100 most influential African women in 2020. In 2007, Rita joined the African Union Commission`s Education Department in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as a senior policy officer for five years, during which she contributed to ensuring the minister`s decision that all African learners receive at least five years of secondary education. In 2014, Rita became the first African Union delegation leader of the African Union/International Center for Girls` and Women`s Education in Africa (AU/CIEFFA). Dr. Rita Bissoonauth mobilized the resources of developing partners to implement and strengthen legal documents for girls` education, gender-sensitive teaching environments, and vocational and technical education and training programs with a focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Ma Yanjun

Director of Baidu`s Deep Learning Platform

Dr. Ma Yanjun is currently the Senior Director of Baidu`s Deep Learning Technology Platform, responsible for the production and R & D work of PaddlePaddle open source deep learning platform. Dr. Ma Yanjun joined Baidu in January 2011. His main research interest is natural language processing, and related research results are widely used in Baidu products. He has served as an editorial board member of Machine Translation magazine and has served as the AreaChair of top international conferences many times, publishing more than 20 papers. The projects he participated in won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2015 and the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Chinese Institute of Electronics three times. In 2018, he was named "Beijing Youth Role Model and Times Model".

Sit Fung

Chief of the IIOE Operation Centre, UNESCO-ICHEI

Mr. Sit Fung currently leads the IIOE Operation Centre. Previously, he served in multiple senior roles in Huawei during his 15+ years career with the company. He was the Chief Architect of Huawei Talent Online, an official website from Huawei dedicated to talent development and serves more than 3 million learners globally. Prior, he also acted as a senior director for Huawei Talent Development Unit, which supports and collaborates with 2600+ HEIs worldwide. Mr. Sit Fung was also a senior expert in the area of business transformation and project management and served as member of multiple advisory groups within Huawei. Before joining Huawei, he held positions in multiple MNCs in the telecommunication and ICT industries. Mr. Sit Fung graduated from University of Texas at Dallas majoring in Telecommunication and MBA.

Bi Xiaohan

Deputy Director of UNESCO-ICHEI

Ms. Bi Xiaohan is currently the Deputy Director of UNESCO-ICHEI. Bi Xiaohan obtained her Master`s degree in Sociology of Sport from School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University in 2015. In the same year, Bi Xiaohan worked in Libreville, Gabonese National Office for UNESCO, Africa, as one of the first group of officials sent by China to the international organisations. Under the direct guidence of the office Director, Bi Xiaohan contributed to the planning of an international "Culture of Peace" project of UNESCO headquarter, playing an active role in fostering collaboration between Chinese enterprises and UNESCO. In October, 2016, Bi Xiaohan took on a new role in UNESCO-ICHEI, and was once on a secondment from UNESCO-ICHEI to the Education Department of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. As a member of the hard core of UNESCO-ICHEI staff, Bi Xiaohan has engaged in multiple ICHEI`s key projects and activities, encompassing the design and launch of IIOE, the development of IIOE online and blended learning quality assurance framework and mechanisms as well as toolkits, the expansion of international cooperation in the Western Asia and Africa regions, the design and establishment of IIOE National Centres, the active participation in the organisation and preparation of the 3rd UNESCO World Higher Education Conference, and etc. Bi Xiaohan has made remarkable contributions to the development, internationalisation, and the promotion of ICHEI`s influence at various stages.

Michael Boakye-Yiadom

Director-General at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA)

Dr. Michael Boakye-Yiadom is the Director-General at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) – Under the Auspices of UNESCO, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Michael earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education and Student Affairs from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, USA; and his Master of Educational Administration and Bachelor of Education degrees from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. In June 2022, the President of the Republic of Ghana appointed Dr. Boakye-Yiadom as the National Convenor for the Transforming Education Summit which was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City from 16th to 20th September 2022. His research interests include international and contemporary issues in higher education and students affairs; leadership development in education; diversity and inclusion in education; educational experiences of underrepresented populations; and school improvement. Michael is a scholar-practitioner passionate about improving quality education in Africa. Prior to joining the IEPA faculty, he served as Dean of Students at Hiwassee College in Madisonville, Tennessee, USA; Residential Coordinator at Ohio University; and senior staff at the University of Cape Coast.

Bouchra Lebzar

Professor in management, Project Management in charge of certification training at Cadi Ayyad University. Head of L-QUALIMAT-GRTE Laboratory, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco. Member of the university council.

Prof. Bouchra Lebzar`s research expertise spans the fields of Project management, Business Ethics, and Business strategy. As a Professor in management, she serves as the head of the Research Laboratory in Quality, management and technology transfert, known as L-QUALIMAT, at Cadi Ayyad University. In addition to her academic roles, Professeur Lebzar holds positions of influence and leadership, including member of the bureau of FNACE - Marrakech Safi (National Federation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship) and Professor of Higher Education at ENCG-Marrakech. Her diverse professional portfolio extends to consultancy in Strategy and Management, and she also serves as a Professor-affiliate in Project Management at the University M6 Polytechnique - Benguerir. Professeur Lebzar`s multifaceted contributions reflect her commitment to academia, research, and the broader spheres of entrepreneurship, strategy, and Education.

Husaina Banu Kenayathulla

Deputy Dean (Research, Value Creation and Enterprise), Faculty of Education, Universit Malaya, Malaysia

Husaina Banu Kenayathulla, currently serving as the Deputy Dean (Research, Value Creation, and Enterprise) in the Faculty of Education at Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, is a distinguished academic with a Ph.D. in Economics of Education & Education Finance. With a substantial research portfolio, she has made significant contributions to various domains, including financial literacy, education quality, student satisfaction, and instructional leadership. Dr. Kenayathulla`s multidisciplinary expertise positions her as a valuable asset, and her role as Deputy Dean underscores her commitment to advancing research, value creation, and enterprise in the realm of education at Universiti Malaya.

Anasse Bouhlal

Higher Education and TVET Programme Specialist at UNESCO Regional Office for the Gulf States and Yemen

Anasse has worked in TVET and Higher Education for the past 25 years in Finland and other EU countries. Before joining higher education, he worked in the fields of industry. He was recently transferred to Doha from the Beirut Office, where he served since 2017 as the Regional Programme Specialist in Higher Education for the Arab States. During this period, Anasse collaborated closely with Ministries of Higher Education, National Commissions, RCEP, and universities in GCC countries and globally. In Finland, he worked as a Principal at the University of Tampere (TAMK) where he was involved, among other things, in quality assurance, digital transformation, Research and Innovation, and the Internationalisation of HEIs in the Euro-Med Region. He was elected Member of the Management Board and Senate of the Euro-Mediterranean University in Slovenia. Anasse is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. Anasse is a holder of a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences and speaks Arabic, French, Finnish, English, and Russian.

Yayra Dzakadzie

Director for Tertiary Education at the Ministry of Education,Ghana

Professeur Yayra Dzakadzie est un expert distingué en évaluation des résultats scolaires, en tests, en mesures, en évaluation, en recherche et en statistiques. Il a occupé divers postes universitaires, devenant professeur agrégé en mesure, évaluation, recherche et statistiques. Dzakadzie a contribué de manière significative dans ces domaines, en participant aux conférences dans plusieurs universités du Ghana et en travaillant en tant qu’examinateur externe pour des thèses de doctorat et de maîtrise. Il a notamment publié des articles lors des conférences locales et internationales, gagnant le prix comme le meilleur présentateur de la Conférence World Partial Least Square (PLS) en Roumanie. Ses nombreuses publications dans des revues et son rôle de chercheur dans le projet d`amélioration de l`enseignement secondaire (SEIP) de la Banque mondiale soulignent son engagement en faveur de l`avancement de l`éducation. Au-delà du monde universitaire, Professeur Dzakadzie a joué un rôle central au sein du ministère de l`Éducation, en tant que directeur de l`enseignement supérieur et conseiller technique du ministre de l`Éducation pour l`enseignement supérieur.